マイミッション My Blog Mission

  • このブログを書くことで、こんなことを目指しています -
    - NET患者へ日本語・英語で情報提供し、言語に制限されない情報共有をめざそう。
    - NET患者のネットワークを日本国内だけからグローバルレベルへ広げ、国境を超えた人のつながりと平和のきっかけを作ろう。
    - ひとり親で、あるいは病と闘い頑張っている人に、今日も頑張ろうと思える言葉を発信しよう。
    - 英語学習で広がる世界の大きさを感じてもらえるよう日英両言語で書き続けよう。
    - 息子たちがいつか今日の日を思い出すきっかけを残しておこう。
  • My mission on writing this blog page is:
    - that any information I share here about my conditions with NET can be useful for those who suffer from this very rare disease for both Japanese and English readers.
    - that this site can create a borderless, peaceful global world without language barriers, connecting the people inside and outside Japan through the NET information I share.
    - that sharing my happy and rough moments as a single mother with two kids can offer laughter, comfort and courage.
    - that I can be of support for those who want to see the world outside Japan, and inside Japan, too.
    and most importantly,
    - that one day, one day when my beautiful children have grown up, they would enjoy reading highs and lows of our lives.


NET患者必読の英語サイト Now I am part of global NET cancer team!

先日のエントリーでご紹介したNET患者の英国出身ロニーさん。彼のNET Cancer への貢献度は半端なく、そのサイトを見れば、いかに勉強され、同じ病気を持つ方のために、またその認知度を高めるために貢献されているかは、一目瞭然。
© Ronny Allan - Living with Neuroendocrine Cancer https://ronnyallan.com





The best advocate to NET Cancer, Ronny Allan, kindly quoted my blog site in his entry on his NET Cancer Blog page on Facebook:


Also he has recently added translation tool on his blog, so now his blog is available on various languages:
© Ronny Allan - Living with Neuroendocrine Cancer https://ronnyallan.com

My mission of this blog page is to connect NET cancer patients in the world. If one person can find a strength to fight against cancer with his/her family and friends support, then imagine how much more strength you could get when the support expands around the globe!

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