マイミッション My Blog Mission

  • このブログを書くことで、こんなことを目指しています -
    - NET患者へ日本語・英語で情報提供し、言語に制限されない情報共有をめざそう。
    - NET患者のネットワークを日本国内だけからグローバルレベルへ広げ、国境を超えた人のつながりと平和のきっかけを作ろう。
    - ひとり親で、あるいは病と闘い頑張っている人に、今日も頑張ろうと思える言葉を発信しよう。
    - 英語学習で広がる世界の大きさを感じてもらえるよう日英両言語で書き続けよう。
    - 息子たちがいつか今日の日を思い出すきっかけを残しておこう。
  • My mission on writing this blog page is:
    - that any information I share here about my conditions with NET can be useful for those who suffer from this very rare disease for both Japanese and English readers.
    - that this site can create a borderless, peaceful global world without language barriers, connecting the people inside and outside Japan through the NET information I share.
    - that sharing my happy and rough moments as a single mother with two kids can offer laughter, comfort and courage.
    - that I can be of support for those who want to see the world outside Japan, and inside Japan, too.
    and most importantly,
    - that one day, one day when my beautiful children have grown up, they would enjoy reading highs and lows of our lives.


子供たちへの最後のレッスンは? What do you teach your son if today was your last day?





Kids will have mid-term exams in a couple of days. Yikes. But they seem to think otherwise, esp. my younger one - the one with ADHD. The closest description I can give him would be "a man from mars". Not that kind he cant understand women (well, maybe that too),  but rather, he speaks and behaves just like ones from another planet. Needless to say, where he came from does not have a pressure of school exams!

Do I need to press him to study harder? Do I convince him how important that he works hard at this point of his life? Do I sit down right next to him for hours going through his messy copies of school work and figure out what he is supposed to study for his exams?

Been there, done that. And none of those worked. And plus I suck at all of the above. And when I do these, I have a mixed bag of feelings - from anger and frustration to desperation and worries.

The worry part has not changed before and after the diagnosis of my NET cancer, but I think I can say that I look at this challenge of school work from different perspectives - what can I do now so he won't suffer when I am gone?

I suppose I could say that he needs to be trained to study/work independently, or to have better organizing skills. Not necessarily scoring better at school exams, because we all know school grades really do not add up much when you leave school. But what we sure do need is survival skills and strategies to live in complicated fast-speed society. That is complicated skills to teach, and it takes a whole human life to learn/teach it. As far as I am concerned, there is now a new unknown factor, which is no one knows how much longer I will be around. So I might as well put my head down and teach him all those survival skills while we are still together.

Easier said than done. And my worry still remains the same - with or without my NET cancer and/or my son's ADHD. Welcome to the parenting club.

胃とストレスを写真にしてみると Do you really look after yourself?








I had a super busy day yesterday. Started with a endoscopy session at the hospital, followed by a acupuncture session, and finished by an English teaching class (I travel on a ferry to a small island and teach English to locals).

My doctor gave me a copy of photos of my stomach. The scar looks just fine but upper area of my stomach is full of "puss" looking white stuff. It is caused by A-CAG (type A-chronic atrophic gastritis), which is the root of my problem for NET cancer.  It was not a pretty site at all, and I was astonished how awful I look inside.

Of all the reasons I can think of for what triggered this NET cancer, one thing I can say is that stomach issue is very heavily related to stress, and I sure did go through some stressful time for the last few years. Divorce, coming back to Japan to start solo with my two children, who are not native to Japanese society, job searching in almost a foreign country to me, who was away from Japan for over 2 decades... all was hard. Really hard. Yet all I had said when I was going through rough patches was "I am not working hard enough" or "everyone else manages and I am so wimp if I can handle this".  What I did not know was that all these messages were actually killing me, or my stomach to be precise.

What dawned on me, while I was looking at these photos of my ugly stomach, was that
I must look after myself. 
Simple as that. I must listen to my body, I must really see where my mind and body are. All these simple things were not even on my plate. I was rather busy to gather myself to live along with my children in Japan as a new "immigrant".

It is a fact that I still need to work. I still have two beautiful children to raise solo. I cannot afford to focus all my energy to my cancer treatment right now. I will somehow have to manage to juggle all on my plate. But I must look after myself. That simple message has so much more meaning to me now. And I have to do so, not just for me but also for by most precious children. Without my wellbeing, the kids won't be looked after well!

How on earth have I missed such an important message in life so long? Duh!