Today was a long but a very inspiring day.
First I went to see a friend of mine who is an acupuncturist. In addition to acupuncture, he did a NAET test on me to see what kind of food. is causing problems on my stomach (btw, I was in excruciating pain all day as I had just a little more than I should have for breakkie, or possibly something I eat did not go well in my stomach.) In the session with him, he uses O ring muscle testing to see what can trigger my discomfort in food, or any allergic reactions, and can help me heal my stomach.
The test results revealed I should eat:
cabbage, radish, tofu, beans.
and avoid:
read meat, chicken, seafood, white bread and rice, coffee, alcohol.
Nothing new, isn't it - all the food that is supposed to be healthy and good for you. Well, I suppose I am ready to be a monk!
Also I learned that I need to eat smaller meals when I feel hungry, not necessarily at breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. It sounds to me that my body sends me a message on what and when I want to eat, but I have been ignoring it. It is time to sort out my whole life style.
After the acupuncture and O ring session, I went to see someone I admire. He is one of my bosses, and also has been a great support for me mentally and professionally since I cam back to Japan. During our meeting, he was kind enough to arrange for me to consult with a friend of his, who is a well known doctor. This could possibly open up a new door to my NET cancer battle. Sometimes luck lies in "who you know".When your life is in the hands of god, (and you feel like you are nobody), friend's help like this has a huge power/influence. It was literally like a light at the end of the tunnel.
The last event of the day was teaching an English lesson. I have been away from my English classes since the beginning of summer. It was so great to see all my students and fill me with their genuine kind words wishing for my well being. It was a real humbling, and blessing feeling to receive so much positive energy from so many people!
All my experiences today left me feel warm, accepted and loved. And none of those have anything to do with medicine, yet I received so much energy to get through the day. How does the science explain it all?
希少ガン「神経内分泌腫瘍(カルチノイド腫瘍)」の私。命が限られたものならば、私に今できる事をしたい、そう思って、日本語と英語でNET情報、私の日々のバトルを書き綴ります。そして私の生きる力である二人の息子らとのやりとりや彼らへのメッセージも。 Neuroendorine Tumor (NET) cancer is what I have in my GI. Living with NET cancer and two multinational children, I write about information on NET in Japanese/English as well as my life - life mission, happy/rock bottom moments, and my beloved boys. Each entry has Japanese comments, followed by English ones, and they are not necessarily the exact translation.
マイミッション My Blog Mission
- このブログを書くことで、こんなことを目指しています -
- NET患者へ日本語・英語で情報提供し、言語に制限されない情報共有をめざそう。
- NET患者のネットワークを日本国内だけからグローバルレベルへ広げ、国境を超えた人のつながりと平和のきっかけを作ろう。
- ひとり親で、あるいは病と闘い頑張っている人に、今日も頑張ろうと思える言葉を発信しよう。
- 英語学習で広がる世界の大きさを感じてもらえるよう日英両言語で書き続けよう。
- 息子たちがいつか今日の日を思い出すきっかけを残しておこう。- My mission on writing this blog page is:
- that any information I share here about my conditions with NET can be useful for those who suffer from this very rare disease for both Japanese and English readers.
- that this site can create a borderless, peaceful global world without language barriers, connecting the people inside and outside Japan through the NET information I share.
- that sharing my happy and rough moments as a single mother with two kids can offer laughter, comfort and courage.
- that I can be of support for those who want to see the world outside Japan, and inside Japan, too.
and most importantly,
- that one day, one day when my beautiful children have grown up, they would enjoy reading highs and lows of our lives.