マイミッション My Blog Mission

  • このブログを書くことで、こんなことを目指しています -
    - NET患者へ日本語・英語で情報提供し、言語に制限されない情報共有をめざそう。
    - NET患者のネットワークを日本国内だけからグローバルレベルへ広げ、国境を超えた人のつながりと平和のきっかけを作ろう。
    - ひとり親で、あるいは病と闘い頑張っている人に、今日も頑張ろうと思える言葉を発信しよう。
    - 英語学習で広がる世界の大きさを感じてもらえるよう日英両言語で書き続けよう。
    - 息子たちがいつか今日の日を思い出すきっかけを残しておこう。
  • My mission on writing this blog page is:
    - that any information I share here about my conditions with NET can be useful for those who suffer from this very rare disease for both Japanese and English readers.
    - that this site can create a borderless, peaceful global world without language barriers, connecting the people inside and outside Japan through the NET information I share.
    - that sharing my happy and rough moments as a single mother with two kids can offer laughter, comfort and courage.
    - that I can be of support for those who want to see the world outside Japan, and inside Japan, too.
    and most importantly,
    - that one day, one day when my beautiful children have grown up, they would enjoy reading highs and lows of our lives.


鍼灸を使って、自分をいたわる Acupuncture and NET








Yesterday was my acupuncture day. This is my second, and I am already hooked to it.

Western approach to my NET has been effective. Yet I found that is not quite enough. My tumors in my stomach are growing every day, and there is no way stopping it (well there are ways in western medicine but they sound very extreme). Oriental medicine, on the other hand, takes an approach to look at the balance of my body and fix all problems by re-adjusting the balance.

My acupuncturist helped me fix the flow of "chi" or energy within my body. My stomach has been causing all sorts of problems that derive from autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis. The symptoms include indigestion, nausea, burping, bloating, acid tastes in my mouth, and fatigue, sudden big energy drops throughout the day, esp. after eating. It sounds to me that acupuncture will look at the cause of those symptoms, and fix the imbalanced areas of my body. Once the chi energy flows regularly, then perhaps those symptoms will go away. At least that is how it sounds to a novice patient with oriental medicine.

In western medicine, as far as my experience goes with my NET, those symptoms are not dealt with at all by simply my doctor saying to me "oh those are not treatable, and there is no medication to treat that". The western medicine may help me remove malignant tumors, but any of my discomfort is something I have to live with. I would hate a thought that I have to deal with these symptoms for the rest of my life. Yuck. Hence now it is time to visit other approaches, like oriental medicine.

My acupuncturist suggested that I go visit a doctor who approaches medicine from both western as well as oriental sides. I am going to see him today to see if he can suggest some Chinese medicine that can help me fix my inefficient stomach.

Very interesting to see how two different approaches to medicine. We are looking at the same thing, human body and its ineffectiveness, but approaches are completely different. It is a bit like my divorce experiences - two people look at the same thing, but from totally different angles.