癌患者、癌サバイバー、いろんな呼び方があるけれど、私はガンちゃんと共にやさしく丁寧に生きていきたい(Living with cancer) です。癌は私の命を奪うものかもしれないけれど、その前に、
- 生きるということ
- 有限な時間
- 人生の優先順位
- この世で私にできること
- (そして)子供たち
What do you call yourself? Are you a "cancer survivor"? How about "challenger"?
I want to call myself a person living with a cancer. Cancer is no longer a disease that kills you tomorrow. There are so many people living with it, while they lead normal life, just like any other non-cancer survivors.
It is so easy to get trapped with the fear of "cancer", and afraid of what will happen next. Or what will happen to your family if your life is meant to end sooner than later. And I did go through that myself too.
But then I realized that I would not know what my cancer will bring me tomorrow. No one knows. All I know is that I am here right now, and I am given time and space to live in to the fullest, for now. I want to enjoy my time with my children. I want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Setouchi Inland Sea through my apartment windows every day. I want to accept and be grateful of my friends and family who are kind enough to offer me hands and support. I want to admit and accept the pain my body has, rather than I ignore and say "that will go away" or "I am too busy right now to deal with pain".
And all these thoughts would not have occurred to me if it was not for my NET cancer. I had had too much on my plate as a single mother with more-than-full-time work, with all worries about my boys well being and my future.
So I call myself a person living with NET cancer. Not battling against it, but rather living peacefully with it to enjoy life of the moment.